Comforting Hands Physical Therapy
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About Linda
For New Clients
Learn Zero Balancing
Integrative Therapies
Zero Balancing Meditation Recordings
Articles for Clients
TLC and the Pain Control Toolbox
The Value of the Pyramid and Parallel Breath Meditations
What’s better….heat or cold?
Research Study Measures Zero Balancing Effects on Stress
What are the best shoes for me?
What are the best shoes for a person with flat feet?
What Can Zero Balancing Help?
Balance Change
What are the best shoes for a person with high-arched feet?
Why does Zero Balancing feel so good?
How to Improve Your Flexibility
A ZB Perspective for Your Life
Get in the Habit: Clearing Obstacles to Starting an Exercise Program.
How Zero Balancing Can Help You Navigate Your Life
Why Can’t I Stick to My Exercise Program? PART 1: Try This exercise!
Why can’t I stick to my exercise program? PART 2
The Unexpected Benefits
What is causing your pain?
What is Causing Your Pain? Part 2
Feel How Good It Feels To Feel Good
Staying Stable During Times of Stress
What are the best shoes for me? Part 1
What are the best shoes for a person with flat feet?
How to Talk about Zero Balancing
More on how to talk about Zero Balancing
Articles for Practitioners
The Power of Viewing Our World Through ZB Principles
Paradigm Revisited
Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Series
Things You Can Do With A Half Moon Vector
Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Part 2
Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Part 3
Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Part 4
Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Part 5
Highest Personal Regard and Compassion
What’s your paradigm?
What is knowing?
Strictly Blue Line Ballroom
The Power of the Blue Line
Can energy be good or bad?
Is Interface All You Need?
The Power of ZB Principles: The Witness State
Diving into the Witness State
How Do We Know What We Are Doing?
What is a Clearer Stronger Field?
The Power of Foundation Joints
Zero Balancing: Holistic, Non-diagnostic Therapeutic Bodywork.
The Effect of Fun on the Vibratory Field
What does it mean to “put a fulcrum” into something?
The Power of Expanded Consciousness
Is It Us or Is It Them?
Paradigms and Talking about ZB
Covid Updates
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Things you can do with a Half Moon Vector Series
Linda Wobeskya, MSPT