Clients often tell me they struggle with how to talk to people about Zero Balancing (ZB). They love receiving the sessions and want to share with friends and family but don’t know what to say. A friend asks, “How does it work?” or “What does Linda do during the session?” and my clients say they don’t know how to respond.
Here are some tips and ideas!
First, take yourself off the hook. You can’t be expected to know what I’m doing, unless you are a Zero Balancing practitioner. And even then, you’ll miss the fun if you spend your ZB session figuring out what I’m doing instead of relaxing and enjoying yourself. So please don’t expect yourself to be able to speak to my experience giving a ZB.
You are, however, an expert at your own experience. No one knows your experience better than you! So start there. Your authenticity is a powerful communication tool.
You may wonder how sharing your own experience can answer your friend’s questions.
Think about what your friend may actually be asking when they ask how ZB works. Most of us are interested in some basic information when considering bodywork sessions for the first time or with a new practitioner. It’s normal to want to know: Will it feel good? Will it help me? Will I be safe?
These are universal human concerns and are, quite possibly, what you yourself wondered before you tried Zero Balancing. Often, we are not fully aware of these specific concerns. So we ask what it is or how it works. Or we ask if it’s similar to something we already know about.
When a potential new client asks me what Zero Balancing is or how it works, I answer their spoken question and also the unspoken questions listed above. By talking about how ZB may help, how good it feels, how experienced I am, and how much care I bring to each session, I am hopefully answering both the spoken and unspoken questions.
When you share your own experience, you may be answering the unspoken questions and possibly the most important questions. You are sharing that it feels good, that it’s helping you, that you feel safe.
So what details might you share about your own experience?
One possibility is to share how you feel during the session. You are lying on a soft and comfortable treatment table. How does my touch feel to you? Good? Safe? Gentle? Comforting? Calming?
Another option is to think about how you feel when you first sit up after a ZB session. When you first stand up. After you’ve walked a bit. Now see if you can come up with a few words that describe how you feel. Here are some words clients have used to describe how they feel after a ZB session:
Grounded. Light. Less pain. No pain. Calm. Taller. Serene. Clear. Happy. Better.
Do any of these words fit your experience? If not, perhaps there are other descriptions you can share about Zero Balancing.
Are the sessions helping you? Without sharing personal details about why you are receiving Zero Balancing, you can describe ways you know the sessions are helping you. For example: “My pain is better.” “I’ve been able to get back to gardening.” “I’ve started writing again.” “I’m more relaxed.”
Lastly, you can refer your friend or family member to my website Lindawobeskya.com for descriptions of how I work and links to a podcast and articles on Zero Balancing click here. Another resource is the Zero Balancing website click here for more information. There are 2 excellent books on Zero Balancing. Inner Bridges by Dr. Fritz Smith, the developer of ZB, and Zero Balancing by John Hamwee.