
Zero Balancing I

In-Person Class
10 am – 6 pm ET

Zero Balancing I is the first half of the Core Zero Balancing program and the first course of the Core Zero Balancing curriculum. ZB I introduces you to the technique, theory, touch skills and history of the art and science of Zero Balancing. In these hands-on workshops, you will learn how to perform Zero Balancing sessions and experience what it feels like to receive a  Zero Balancing session.

The instructor will deliver clear presentations and demonstrations of Zero Balancing evaluations and techniques, along with a detailed study guide to inform your ongoing practice. 

You will learn:

  • A basic treatment protocol that addresses the whole body in about 30 minutes 
  • Theory and principles of ZB
  • To distinguish body energy and body structure through touch
  • The skill of using energy as a working tool
  • The energetic anatomy of the skeleton
  • The theory and application of Zero Balancing techniques called fulcrums
  • How to give a ZB session that addresses the whole body

September 26-29, 202

November 6-9, 2025

Zero Balancing II

In-Person Class
May 2 – 5, 2025
10:00am-6:00pm PT

Zero Balancing II is the second half of the Core Zero Balancing program. In ZB II, you will  refine your skills performing the fulcrums from ZB I while learning new fulcrums that will complete the Zero Balancing Core Protocol. You will expand your understanding of how and why Zero Balancing is so effective. 

Note: ZB II is highly recommended for all ZB practitioners who have not taken a ZB course in a while as it includes the most up-to-date methods for performing Zero Balancing. 

You will learn: 

  • A review of the basic ZB protocol with an emphasis on quality of touch, focus and positioning of the practitioner
  • To deepen your understanding of ZB theory, principles and techniques
  • Additional techniques and an expanded protocol to address more of the body
  • New skills and coordination in handling energy and structure 
  • How to frame or set goals for a ZB session 
  • To advance your ability to work with expanded states of consciousness 
  • To give and receive constructive peer feedback 
  • To acquire experience in preparation for advanced study 

Linda Wobeskya, MSPT