Why can’t I stick to my exercise program? PART 2

It seems every January brings focus to health and exercise so we are right on track with our spotlight on creating the habit of regular physical exercise! Part 1 presented a self-assessment exercise designed to help you identify your likes and dislikes with regard to exercise. You can read Part 1 here Now it’s time to put this information to use.

It’s worth repeating: the only exercises that work are the ones you will actually do. You will increase the likelihood of sticking with your new exercise habit if your program: 

  • Contains exercises you enjoy. 
  • Realistically fits into the time you have.
  • Happens at a time and place you like. 
  • Contains exercises that help you achieve your goals. 

The self-assessment exercise in Part 1 should have helped you to identify the type of exercise you enjoy, a realistic estimate of the amount of time you have to exercise, and when and where you like to exercise. Here are some suggestions to help you put this information to use. 

Exercises you enjoy: While there is lots of evidence promoting specific types of exercise as most beneficial, no exercise can help you if you don’t do it. It’s a simple fact that people are more likely to continue what they like and stop what they don’t like. There are hundreds of effective stretching, strengthening and cardio exercises. Keep looking for something you enjoy until you find it. 

Exercises you have time to do: You may have read that 60 minutes of daily exercise is recommended. But realistically, you may be able to find only 30 minutes 3 times a week. Impractical expectations often lead people to quit; resulting in no exercise, no movement towards goals, and often a feeling of failure or shame. Not good! Although we may tell ourselves that lack of motivation or laziness is to blame, the stumbling block is more often an unrealistic expectation of what can be accomplished. Commit to exercising during the time that truly fits into your schedule and watch as your success builds a new habit. 

Exercises that happen at a time and in a setting you like: I know of a woman who attended jazzercise classes twice a week for years because the location was on her drive home from work. Both the location and the time fit nicely into her schedule. Find the time and place that works for you and stick with it.  

Exercises that help you achieve your goals: Our bodies are a lot like plants. Give a plant the right amount of sunlight and water and it will grow beautifully. With your body, give it the right type and amount of exercise and it will change. What’s the right type and amount of exercise? The answer varies depending on your goals. Targeting the specific muscles you need for a given activity will help you maximize your benefit for the time you have allotted to exercise. A good Physical Therapist or exercise trainer can help you determine which muscles to target and how much strength and flexibility is optimal, as well as help you to find the exercises you like. 

If you choose a program you like that matches your schedule, you are much more likely to exercise, to continue exercising, and to return to your program if it is interrupted, as can happen so frequently in life. And if you do the exercises correctly and consistently, you are giving your body what it needs. Your body will change and you will achieve your goal.